Housekeeping is a
process where in every one is committed and involved in upkeep of the workplace
and cleanliness of machine ,material and information such that its easy
accessibility is ensured and product quality is consistently achieved.
is the general management of domestic affairs. Housekeeping is not a job it is
an attitude towards right and positive action. It includes cleaning, sweeping,
moping, wiping, inspecting, polishing and maintaining sparkling cleanliness all
Benefits of housekeeping:
Benefits of housekeeping:
- Employees feel good if the work place is clean
- Searching is avoided
- Time wasted in handling reduced
- No unnecessary supplies
- Less rejection /Rework
- Better preventive maintenance
- Less machine down time
- More usable space
- Passage ways are neat and clean
- Abnormalities noticed at a glance
- Eliminates accidents
- Productivity improvement
to be use for mechanized cleaning:
- Scrubber drier
- Wet/Dry vacuum cleaner
- Back pack vacuum
- Telescope pole and glass cleaning kit
- Pressure jet.
ISO 9001 : 2015 certified